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Private Individual + Communal Day Spa Retreats
Strawberry Moon overlooking Benicia Bay
It saddens me that folks are being herded into doctors offices and hospitals (ranches) like cattle where everyone gets the same diagnosis, the same surgery if applicable, and the same prescription drugs. This phenomenon is very different from my idea of a
Holistic Care Approach that allows people to be apart of their bodies healing process.
In my view MOTHER NATURE is the true healer of earth and in whom I learned to completely trust. As a child I knew the sun came up and went down everyday. I could breath the air and feel the wind brush against my skin. I thought the clouds were mashed potatoes, and the stars were lights to guide my way. I learned to trust with my senses, on the many nights I ran away when safety the foster home where I lived was an issue. I found that walking around alone exploring the world gave me a TOTAL sense of freedom. She prepared me for a life lived way beyond the limitations of any university or mainstream thinking. Blessed by her many gifts, I am courageous and confident enough to take chances, brilliant enough to dream and humble enough to be grateful for them.
Always empathic to the plight of others ... I'm PROUD to call myself me.
My long term goal and professional training in the Beauty + Wellness Industry has always been to own a completely natural private day spa. A place where I could be my authentic self and provide quality personalized care. Care that is completely aligned and desperately needed by your body, my vision consist of private 8 hour sessions hosting immediate healing benefits. With an abundance of experience and an open heart, it would be my pleasure to provide you with holistic healing + beauty rituals the way nature intended. OFF THE GRID, with no red tape or PRIVACY INVADING forms to fill out.
Firmly Grounded + Rooted in the Fundamentals of
"Honoring the human desire for genuine validation with
compassion and integrity"
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